Goucher-affiliated research projects and activities that involve human subjects and are conducted on the college premises or elsewhere by faculty, students, or employees require review and approval by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) prior to initiation. Research that is conducted as part of a class assignment may not need IRB approval. Please see Goucher College’s Policy on the Use of Human Subjects (PDF) and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for details.
Goucher follows federal regulations in requiring that every IRB member, researcher, and key personnel of a research team certify knowledge of federal regulations and policies dealing with human subjects. To this end, each person involved in conducting human subjects research must complete and submit a certificate of completion of a web-based training course, to be included with IRB submissions. Log in or register on the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Program website to complete the "Social & Behavioral Research Investigators" course. Get started on How to Register and Complete Required Coursework (PDF). When finished, save your certificate as a pdf or photo file for your own records and for IRB submissions.
Use the appropriate IRB form below to complete your proposal. More information in Resources for IRB Members & Researchers.
Submit proposals and address inquiries to Gwen Probst, IRB Coordinator: irb@madsoluciones.com
IRB - Continuing Review or Protocol Modification Form (DOC)*
*Use this form for projects that have been approved but seek approval for: (a) continuation beyond the 1-year expiration of original approval; OR (b) modifications to existing personnel and/or protocols